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The Algorithms
 * Even Number:
 * function to check if number is even
 * return true if number is even
 * else false

 * @param {number} number
 * @return {boolean}

 * Checking if number is even using divisibility by 2
 * If number is divisible by 2 i.e remainder = 0, then it is even
 * therefore, the function will return true
 * If number is not divisible by 2 i.e remainder != 0, then it is not even i.e odd
 * therefore, the function will return false

export const isEven = (number) => {
  return number % 2 === 0

 * Checking if number is even using bitwise operator
 * Bitwise AND (&) compares the bits of the 32
 * bit binary representations of the number and
 * returns a number after comparing each bit:
 * 0 & 0 -> 0
 * 0 & 1 -> 0
 * 1 & 0 -> 0
 * 1 & 1 -> 1
 * For odd numbers, the last binary bit will be 1
 * and for even numbers, the last binary bit will
 * be 0.
 * As the number is compared with one, all the
 * other bits except the last will become 0. The
 * last bit will be 0 for even numbers and 1 for
 * odd numbers, which is checked with the use
 * of the equality operator.
 * References:

export const isEvenBitwise = (number) => {
  return (number & 1) === 0
