package Backtracking;
import java.util.Scanner;
* Problem Statement :
* Find the number of ways that a given integer, N , can be expressed as the sum of the Xth powers of unique, natural numbers.
* For example, if N=100 and X=3, we have to find all combinations of unique cubes adding up to 100. The only solution is 1^3+2^3+3^3+4^3.
* Therefore output will be 1.
public class PowerSum {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter the number and the power");
int N = sc.nextInt();
int X = sc.nextInt();
PowerSum ps = new PowerSum();
int count = ps.powSum(N,X);
//printing the answer.
System.out.println("Number of combinations of different natural number's raised to "+X+" having sum "+N+" are : ");
private int count = 0,sum=0;
public int powSum(int N, int X) {
return count;
//here i is the natural number which will be raised by X and added in sum.
public void Sum(int N, int X,int i) {
//if sum is equal to N that is one of our answer and count is increased.
if(sum == N) {
//we will be adding next natural number raised to X only if on adding it in sum the result is less than N.
else if(sum+power(i,X)<=N) {
//backtracking and removing the number added last since no possible combination is there with it.
if(power(i,X)<N) {
//calling the sum function with next natural number after backtracking if when it is raised to X is still less than X.
//creating a separate power function so that it can be used again and again when required.
private int power(int a , int b ){
return (int)Math.pow(a,b);